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Managing Engagement is a two-day experiential workshop designed to assist new and first line people leaders develop necessary skills and behaviors to fully engage and lead a diverse and contemporary industrial workforce. In addition to the classroom, there will be both pre and post work, including a 360°survey to be completed 4 weeks prior to the workshop.


Given the four functions of management, (i.e., Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling), Leadership particularly, has become more demanding and complex, and necessary, as our world of work continues to evolve and change. Leadership has never been straightforward, and with all the demands being placed on leaders, we still expect them to create a positive and productive workplace where employees feel safe, listened to, and supported. In recent years, this concept has been severely tested, as a result of numerous events and changes affecting the workplace, including the pandemic, the subsequent shift to virtual work, technology enhancements, labour shortages, and increased societal demands on organizations. These challenges, have had an effect on the ability of organizations to attract and retain talent at all levels, regardless of the nature of work, or industry.


In the midst, of all this, a stark truth stands out, which organizational leaders have always understood. Good leaders make all the difference in attracting and retaining talent. While loyalty to companies and organizations is very rare, loyalty to individuals continues, specifically leaders. For example, it is quite typical for a well-established leader to draw upon co-workers, to fill positions in new organizations. This is a time-tested technique among recruiters, in seeking candidates, and becoming more common as labour shortages become more prominent.


In many cases, the key to developing leaders begins with the ability to engage others in meaningful and real discussions, something which is becoming more challenging in itself, in this day of social media, and conflicting priorities in society. Our human tendency is to be silent, rather than draw attention to ourselves, and any opinions we may have, popular or

unpopular as they may be. While the rank and file maybe be able to hold their opinions to themselves, this does not work for leaders who are responsible for providing a safe and productive workplace for others. Leadership can be a challenging and lonely place to be, if your actions and behaviors are viewed as unpopular and biased, and not transparent to the observing public.


Our starting point in the workshop is to provide skills and understanding designed to both strengthen relationships and hold real conversations under challenging circumstances. A key component of the training will be reliance on experiential learning, real-life practices, and feedback on behaviors. Our first goal is to help participants develop greater self-awareness of their strengths and preferred tendencies and how they may affect their ability to engage, communicate and to provide leadership. Prework will involve the completion of a 360 ° Leadership Survey, combined with related surveys and certified instruments as a starting point in the training. A second focus will be on how we humans communicate, and skills required to communicate safely, respectfully and in real terms. This will be the focus of the first day.


On the second day, our focus will then shift to Leadership and what is required to engage the whole person at work. While we understand that seeking compliance with policy or directives will guide our hands, the harder challenge is to engage the head and the heart. This requires not only the ability to hold real discussions with employees, but also to explore, diagnose and remove barriers which may be impeding performance and job satisfaction. Managing diversity will be an important topic of discussion, throughout the workshop, knowing that the only way to overcome many of its challenges is to create an open, inclusive dialogue, within the confines of a safe environment.

 Who is this for:  For new leaders and anyone needing to enhance engagement capability.

Next Leadership for 1st line Supervisors Courses
April 16 – 17, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm St. John's NL time OR25223 $1495.00 + Tax Per Attendee Register
May 20 – 21, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Toronto time OR25222 $1495.00 + Tax Per Attendee Register
June 11 – 12, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Edmonton Time OR25513 $1495.00 + Tax Per Attendee Register
June 18 – 19, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Vancouver time OR25514 $1495.00 + Tax Per Attendee Register
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  • Todd Best, Ainsworth Lumber
    I enjoyed the case study approach and role playing. I learned a lot from putting ourselves in other people’s positions. This course has already paid for itself, as I’ve put into practice many of the concepts I acquired during the training.
  • Marina Littlejohn, Ginew Wellness Center
    Recommend Other Working groups take this workshop.
  • Grant Lund, Howe Sound Limited Partnership
    I found the instructor interesting and competent. He explained the best methods for understanding employees and supervisory styles and it was well worth the time invested. Thanks.
  • Tim Stonehocker, Grizzly Ridge Honda
    The general overview of the topics discussed taught me where my weaknesses are and where to start building. It gives you the basics for a good foundation to building oneself into a confident leader.
  • Joanne MacLean, MLR Mechanical Resources Limited
    Great course, helpful tools for building your own personal skills and leadership abilities.

Course topics

I. Four Management Functions

Objective: Learn the management framework

II. Leadership & the Whole Person

Objective: Learn to capture the whole person at work

III. Communication skills

Objective: Learn barriers to communication and apply Listening skills

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I. Four Management Functions

Objective: Learn the management framework

  • Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
  • Focus on Leadership
  • Creating a Followership

II. Leadership & the Whole Person

Objective: Learn to capture the whole person at work

  • Capturing Heads, Hearts and Hands (i.e., Discretionary Effort)
  • Accountability and Commitment
  • 360 ° Leadership Survey results

III. Communication skills

Objective: Learn barriers to communication and apply Listening skills

  • Communication Loop and Barriers
  • Human Whisperers
  • Active Listening Skills

IV. Self Inventory

Objective: Assess Personal Strengths and challenges

  • SDI Instrument (Strengths Deployment Inventory)
  • Self-Assessment

V. Challenging Conversations

Objective: Learn how and why conversations become challenging

  • Fight, Flight, or Freeze (reptilian Brain)
  • Impact of Personal Narratives
  • Biases of Stereotype, Inference and Extrapolation

VI. Art of Conversation

Objective: Learn and apply skills to Master Challenging Conversations

  • Curiosity and Learning
  • Suspending Judgement
  • Gaining perspective

VII. Work Cultures

Objective: Understand the power of culture and resistance to change

  • Belief Systems at Work
  • Resistance to Change
  • Cycle of Adaptation

VIII. Power & Influence

Objective: Learn and apply sources of Power and Influence

  • Sources of Power & Influence
  • Creating Influence (Natural vs Imposed Consequences)

IX. Engaging & Motivating Others

Objective: Learn and apply Keys to Engagement and Motivation

  • Power of “Yes”
  • Creating Safety and Trust
  • Gaining Collaboration
  • Getting “Real”

X. Managing the Sandbox

Objective: Learn and apply boundary managements skills using situational leadership

  • Boundary Management
  • Self- Organizing to Autocracy
  • Situational Leadership

XI. Leading Change One-on-One

Objective: Learn and apply skills to lead change one on one

  • Diagnosing Performance
  • Contributing & Systemic factors

XII. Managing Diversity

Objective: Learn and apply skills to Manage Diversity in the Workplace

  • Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Workplace
  • Stereotypes and Unconscious Bias
  • Acceptance and Respect
  • Accommodation of Beliefs

XIII. Personal Development Plan

Objective: Create a 30/60/90 day plan for personal development



  • Mar
  • May
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Oct
  • Dec
  • Jan
  • Mar

Next Leadership for 1st line Supervisors Courses

Date City & prov Venue Code
April 16 – 17, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm St. John's NL time , NL Teleconference OR25223 Register
May 20 – 21, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Toronto time , ON Teleconference OR25222 Register
June 11 – 12, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Edmonton Time , AB Teleconference OR25513 Register
June 18 – 19, 2025 LIVE 2-Way Video Training 8am-4pm Vancouver time , BC Teleconference OR25514 Register
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  • Bob Yamashita

    Years of Experience

    Organizational Consultant, Master Trainer and Executive Coach Bob is a senior coach, consultant, and trainer with extensive experience in Human Resources and Leadership Development. He has served as Director of Human Resources for Nortel Networks, having led the function in several locations in Western Canadian and the United States. He has also held related roles with other leading companies including...

    See Bob Yamashita CV
  • Keith Holden

    Years of Experience

    Keith Holden has over 30 years experience in the high voltage electrical field. His educational background is comprised of Electrical Engineering Technician from Fleming College and in addition ongoing education including Tap Root Accident Investigation, Safe Start safety training, Measurement Canada Regulations. He has worked with the largest utility Hydro One in various leadership and operational...


    • Alex Comeau, Acadian Seaplants
      Keith was very knowledgeable and answered all questions well.
    • Duane Fischer, Keyera
      Keith is a great instructor with real-life examples of course material.
    See Keith Holden CV
  • This is an excellent component to management style and development. The instructor related the theory to our own situations.

    John Madsen, Howe Sound Limited Partnership
  • I enjoyed the case study approach and role playing. I learned a lot from putting ourselves in other people’s positions. This course has already paid for itself, as I’ve put into practice many of the concepts I acquired during the training.

    Todd Best, Ainsworth Lumber
  • Whether you are in a leadership role or aspire to one, this course is a great way to learn how to effectively deal with people and get the job done! The course contains lots of information you need to make your job easier and to do it correctly. It really helped me to understand the people I work with.

    John Cooke, Weyerhaeuser Drayton Valley
  • If you’re a team leader, this course is for you. You’ll learn how to deal with people in new ways that greatly improve your relationships and effectiveness as a leader

    Todd Poirer, Ainsworth Lumber
  • All five days were interesting. The instructor was very knowledgeable and used many case studies to explain how to handle employees and also any possible problems that can occur in an organization.

    Randy Morgan, Ainsworth Lumber
  • The course contains lots of information you need to make your job easier and to do it correctly. It really helped me to understand the people I work with.

    Colin Hulme, Westcoast Cellufibre
  • This is an extremely informative course which gave me some excellent tools for dealing with employee performance and motivational issues. Excellent instructor, extremely knowledgeable.

    Todd Draper, Elkview Coal Corporation
  • This course was great for a first-time, full-time supervisor. It put some new ideas in my head, and I hope to succeed.

    Neil Hedderson, NL Hydro Power Supply
  • The course had excellent material relevant to me as a front line supervisor. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate it as a 5, extremely valuable. This training will pay for itself immediately

    Marv Saunders, Ainsworth Lumber
  • The motivational tools and advice on dealing with conflict will be useful. I found the workshops were good at driving home the theories and the instructor was motivating and very frank with his explanations. This is an excellent learning tool to become a better supervisor.

    Brent Lineker, Howe Sound Limited Partnership
  • Excellent! Everyone should take the course-Even if they are not interested in a supervisory position.

    Jennifer Paton, Newell Housing Association
  • I believe this course presents the right style for the times. Good content, straight to the point. I’m a believer in the style presented.

    Dan Shafransky, Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Limited Partnership
  • Recommend Other Working groups take this workshop.

    Marina Littlejohn, Ginew Wellness Center
  • The case studies presented offered a variety of different situations. Hearing everyone’s responses on how they would handle each situation was enlightening. There were a number of situations which I had seen before and will now handle differently when they arise again

    Janet Marks, Ainsworth Lumber
  • I feel this course is especially useful. It gets supervisors and managers going on the right track. Bottom line: this is one of the best courses I’ve ever been to.

    David Miller, Ainsworth Lumber
  • I found the instructor interesting and competent. He explained the best methods for understanding employees and supervisory styles and it was well worth the time invested. Thanks.

    Grant Lund, Howe Sound Limited Partnership
  • I gained some valuable information on how to deal with people and the instructor was clear and able to adapt to the needs of the class.

    L. McLachlan, Howe Sound Limited Partnership
  • The general overview of the topics discussed taught me where my weaknesses are and where to start building. It gives you the basics for a good foundation to building oneself into a confident leader.

    Tim Stonehocker, Grizzly Ridge Honda
  • All front-line supervisors should avail of this training to acquire the tools and skills to help them in their day-to-day operations.

    Jamie Kendell, NL Hydro Power Supply
  • Great course, helpful tools for building your own personal skills and leadership abilities.

    Joanne MacLean, MLR Mechanical Resources Limited
  • This course uses a realistic, systematic approach to remedy supervision problems. Our instructor stimulated discussions and connected the course content with real life. I will implement a lot of the ideas presented.

    Trevor Gilby, Elkview Coal Corporation
  • I know this course will help our supervisors understand themselves and then work on their strengths and weaknesses.

    Bob Kubinchak, League Pipelines Services Limited
  • The course was excellent and the instructor was knowledgeable and thorough. I find the section on conflict management and the manual to be very helpful tools. I would tell other supervisors to take this course.

    Faiz Ahmed, CIBA Vision
  • The instructor’s approach was very good and all of his points were well represented. This course is a valuable asset to any supervisor new or experienced.

    Jim Hilstad, Howe Sound Limited Partnership

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